Sunday, September 19, 2010

Easy Ways To Reinforce Home Security

BrickArms Baseball Bat prototypeImage by Dunechaser via Flickr
Being street smart is one requirement for people who live alone. But what does this really mean? Should you buy every new home security tool to continue to be safe? Of course not, but you also need to understand that as a single person, you are in charge of your defense and you may wish to invest in your self-preservation skills to keep away from becoming a target of an intruder assault. Here are some easy and inexpensive strategies to boost your protection against criminals...
1. Set up Hard-to-Pick Locks
Lock picking is an art that lots of thieves have mastered and you have to be aware of this. Investing on locks that won't get picked quickly means you have time to call the police or alert the neighbor if an intruder is in your backyard.
2. Exterior Lighting Fixtures
Yes it can be a drain on your electrical energy, but keeping your backyard lights open could dissuade criminals. Cover the lights with a shielding case if possible in order that the robber won't be able to easily break them. If you think about it, the electricity fee is very marginal if you make it a habit to turn off the garden lighting fixtures in the crack of dawn. What matters is you're relatively safer at nighttime if the backyard lighting fixtures are turned on. Intruders do not want to attract attention, and they normally hate being under bright light while they are trying to sneak in.
3. Avoid Flimsy Curtains
Blinds conceal and give protection to you, while flimsy curtains plainly advertise that you're always on your own inside the home. In addition, flimsy curtains could make it easy for any individual to look inside and have a look at your home security safeguards.
4. Have Espresso at Home with a Friend Occasionally
When you live on your own, you never know who may be observing your habits. Having a friend over in the afternoons for coffee might make it seem like you do not live on your own. And, whatever you do, never let people know you live alone. Dodge the question, or say something vague if anyone asks straight. In fact, you should be wary of any stranger who pointedly asks if you live by yourself.
5. Setting up Bells
Bells are most commonly used for religious and artistic reasons, but you can also use these noisy devices for your home security. Install the chimes inside the doorway instead of outside. Wind or a slight breeze could make the bells ring if they're set up outside the doorway, but if they're installed inside and they ring in the middle of the night, it might mean that an interloper is in the house.
6. Be a Great Neighbor
Being in great terms with your neighbors may save your valuable life. You don't need to be so attached to them that they stay on a daily basis but you must always avoid entering into fights with your neighbors considering the fact that they may be the only ones who could help you should you call for help. Don't irritate them by being boisterous all the time, so that when you do make some noise, they will instantly know something is wrong.
7. Duck Calls and Whistles
You know the cliche about sleeping with your gun beneath your cushion? Having a duck call or whistle under your pillow rather than a gun is way safer. If you wake up in the middle of the night sensing an interloper inside the house, you can use your whistle to alert the neighbors.
8. Learn Baton Combat
Having a baseball bat, a long baton, a metal cylinder or a any blunt weapon around to serve as your main self defense weapon may be suitable if you're disinclined to owning a handgun. But, if you're not well-acquainted with using your bat, it could quickly be grabbed from you, or worse, used against you.
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  1. Great tips about home security, may be I can add one more - take a dog if you like pets. For sure this will be the best keeper of the house and your kids will love it.

  2. I have my home based business and I stay and home most of the time. Sometimes there are some suspicious subjects that are passing around my house, but I am not afraid as there are many security systems and panic button at home.

  3. An excellent article on how to improve home security, which is a good starting point for all home-owners.

    As a fulltime locksmith in Bristol, UK I see a lot of houses that should follow these simple rules: fit insurance approved locks to your doors and reinforce your door and door frame against forced entry. By far the most common method of burglary is to force a door or window but the good news is that a professional locksmith can fit the correct product for your unique circumstances or advise on the right product for a DIY solution.

  4. My brother got a job out of station, there he stay alone and these tips will really help him and really great neighbour also take care of his home when he is not present.

  5. That is a really good set of tips. This will help a lot of people stay safe

  6. Yes this the requirement of people who live alone i am totally agree with.
    Thank you for sharing.

  7. I agree with first comentary, any system is not as good as a dog. But it is in case than you like domestic animals.

  8. This is really a good post, you do a great job of explaining this topic to us so for that, I thank you. While I'm here, I'd like to invite you to visit my webpage about chair floor protectors. Thank you.

  9. Thank you very much for sharing this. This is absolutely a wonderful post! I always love to read about home improvements and I must say you informed us well on home security. Keep it up!

  10. A good way to protect windows is with window film. It makes glass pretty much unbreakable and is great for homes and retails stores.

  11. I never heard of window film? Is that like tint or something that is amazing I never heard that film can re-enforce your windows. But all the tips here are great especially the one where you should invite friends just to show the thieves you are constantly home with people.

  12. i love this blog and i find lots of useful information here.keep doing this great job and update your blog more often.thank you for the great women pics i find on this blog.

  13. There is some good information here, being friendly with your neighbours is always a good idea. Also look at security screens for your doors or windows, that way you can get fresh air into your home but your house is still secure.

  14. It's absolutely a superb blog on home security. It is always a delight to read your posts as I learn a lot from your thoughtful insights. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep up the good work!

  15. Whenever we are, we should always keep in our mind the basic security measures for our home (whether you live in apartment, condo, clubhouse, and etc.,) I've lived in one of the apartments for rent in Simpsonville before. In my 2 years staying there, I haven't encountered problems on the place. However, I always make sure that my door and windows don't have any damages.

  16. I'm amazed to the post. I must agree that having good approach to your neighbor will help you in times of danger that's why here in our place, I'm a good neighbor.
